Thursday, January 1, 2015

I Have a Dream

Actually, I have many dreams. There is no better time than New Year's Day to list some of the ones I have for this year, in no particular order but with a whole lot of INFP:

1. Get stronger.  One of my top goals is to live a long, healthy, happy, fulfilling life and one of the best ways to encourage that is to develop inner and outer strength. To stay active, cultivate intellectual and recreational activities and hobbies, eat (mostly) healthy, and love others well and without fear.

2. Spend quality time with those I love both near and far.

3. Keep up with the live music. Starting with Free Week. And then letting live music inspire me to practice playing music on my guitar and keyboard. Music is part of my history and my future and I cannot wait to integrate it into my 2015 life.

4. Coding. Erica and I have some big creative/business dreams and coding is a key skill for these. Plus, it lets me use that logic part of my brain.

5. Visit more National Parks. Because I have a lot of pages in my passport book to fill. And, really, just to travel. In 2014, I was incredibly fortunate to travel to London, Portland, and San Francisco. The memories and experiences are priceless. There is so much more to see in this world and so I aim to take at least two trips this year. Speaking of London, my best friend, Krissy, will be in the US this summer and I cannot wait to see her again. And it will be nice to have her travel here again, though I hope and plan to get to London again one day. 

6. Be creative. There are so many creative projects I love: sewing, painting, drawing, crafting, cross-stitch, crochet, etc. I completed several in 2014 but want to create even more this year.

7. Read. A lot. 24 books by the end of 2015. You can follow me on Goodreads if you want to know what I'm reading.

8. Write. My mom and her sisters worked diligently and lovingly to create a written family history and I want to add my stories to pass on. And encourage my brothers and cousins to contribute!

And, of course...this blog. :)

9. Try new things and learn daily, while still valuing what is already known and done.

I think these dreams are all attainable. Now it's time to start living them and seeing them unfold. Here's to a happy 2015!